The transparent URL to Video Service by Html2Video offers URL-based direct conversion, where HTML(5) / JS / CSS animations can be on-the-fly transparently converted into videos.
The process is fully automated, thus the results can be reliably included in any video sources using the usual <video> tag or embedded directly into the player.
The conversion takes around 120% of the duration of the animation. After the first conversion is done, omitting the token from the URL will deliver the video immediately from cache.
The generated videos are stored for 48 hours in our storage, so that any download will be lightning fast. Please be advised, that only our Timing control assures proper start-stop timing, but we are ready to implement custom controls just as well.
hardware-heavy HTML5 animation converted to video.
Heavy Demo
10 000 Objects Bouncing
WebGL Water Box
Simple API URL Generator
URL to Video Converter
Please be advised, that this form does not supervise the input parameters, it is only to aid you to get an example. API access is granted only using tokens.
Step-by-Step Guide
Step 1: Find Your Animation
Locate the web page containing the animation you wish to convert into a video. The animation can use WebGL, HTML5 or any advanced HTML technologies a decent browser can play. Our Example will use Pablo the flamingo.
Step 2: Prepare the URL
The web page address (URL) needs to be urlencoded for the service to understand it: This process replaces certain characters in the URL with a "%" followed by two hexadecimal digits. There are many online tools available to urlencode your URL; just search "URL encoder" and use one.
Step 3: Choose Your Video Parameters
Frame Rate: Decide how smooth your video should be. Choose a number between 10 (less smooth) and 60 (very smooth) frames per second.
Start Delay: If you want a delay before your animation starts in the video, specify this in seconds (0-20). This can avoid dead frames during the animation loads itself.
Video Duration: Decide how long your video should be, anywhere from a few seconds (0) up to 5 minutes (300 seconds).
Window Size: This is the size of the video. Both the width (X) and height (Y) must be even numbers and cannot exceed 4096 pixels.
Profile: This is the profile for the Timing Control API of your animation.
Token: An identifier for our customer. Please keep this safe.
Video Name: Optional, custom identifier freely chosen (alphanumerical string).
In the next example we will use:
Profile: profile=simple
Token: token=Iuhier0ahd
Video Name: video-name=flamingo
Frame Rate: frame-rate=60
Start Delay: start-delay=5
Video Duration: video-duration=16
Window Size: window-size=1920x1080
Of course this token is not valid, You can get your token by Contacting us.
Step 4: Submit Your Request
This step will prepare the video, and show the results in your browser when it finishes. Use your favourite web browser and assemble the URL as follows:
The conversion takes approximately 120% of the animation’s duration. If you require faster processing, consider purchasing dedicated servers from the service.
A very similar URL can be used to directly access or embed the resulting video by omitting the token:
Video conversion is controlled by the access token: If the token is valid and no rate-limits are met, the conversion (or re-conversion) will be started. Depending on the service the result will be cached and available soon.
If there is no valid access token, but the parameters match a finished video, the video will be served without delay.
If there is no valid access token and the parameters do not match a finished video an error code will be served.